Friday, April 15, 2011

It's a ....

My ultrasound confirmed that my little bundle of joy is definitely a girl. She flashed us a few times, just to make sure we knew.
Mia Samantha Morgan is still expected to make her appearance somewhere around September 13th. The ultrasound technician says everything looks good. She's definitely got all her fingers and toes. She's just about the right size (she's currently measuring 2 days small for her due date...but what's 2 days, right?) Apparently she really likes Kool-Aid because I drank a bunch before the ultrasound and during the ultrasound she was moving around like crazy!
Anyway, I'm 18 weeks along now and I'm starting to get bigger. It was pretty funny. I was getting my pajamas on the other night and I pulled up my shirt and asked Sean if he thought I had gotten bigger since last week. When he turned around his eyes about popped out of his head and he immediately said "wow, yeah!" haha it was pretty funny...but maybe you had to be there to get a good laugh.
So here are my ultrasound pictures and a picture of my big ol' belly (that people who see this picture tell me isn't that big...psh. whatever..they don't know anything :P )

Picture #1: Feet. All 10 toes are accounted for!
 Picture #2: Her Hands. You can even see her thumb on the right picture...apparently that's pretty rare. All 10 fingers are accounted for.
 This is a picture of the first outfit I bought my little girl. I decided I had to be the first to get her I did :)
 Here's Miss Mia mooning us. :) She is definitely a little girl!
 Here's Mia's might be hard to tell, but she's got her right hand up by her chin in a "thoughtful" pose. haha
 And here is Mia with her hand up waving at Mommy and Daddy
 I added her current heart rate to this picture. She's got her hand up again. I think she knew we were watching ;)  --The heart rate was 139, if you can't read the picture--
 Aaand here's me at 18 weeks. I feel fat and my back hurts already. Whee!!
 Here's the last profile picture of my daughter. :) Cute little thing, huh??

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