Friday, June 24, 2011

28 weeks and 3 days...

I'm feeling rather lazy today so I might just make this a quick update so I can go take a nap.

I'm 28 weeks and 3 days now. I'm starting to wonder if my little girl is going to come early or right on time or late. A selfish part of me hopes she comes early because I really would like my body back. I miss sleeping on my stomach, eating normal sized meals without getting sick, drinking a glass of wine now and then, and my perfectly flat tummy that came with hundreds of sit-ups. Then again, another part of me hopes she's a little late because it's kind of cool being pregnant sometimes. I love feeling her move and, recently, feeling her hiccup. But then that selfish part of me comes out to remind me that those fun movements are what usually keeps me from falling asleep at night and are usually what wakes me up too early in the morning...and occasionally kicks to the bladder send me running for the bathroom to avoid an accident (I'm sure lucky I'm home when that happens).
I'm really hoping she decides to arrive on Sept. 10th...because how cool would it be if her birthday is 9/10/11?!
Mostly, I honestly just want to to get here when she's ready to get here. I want her to be healthy and happy and ready to join this crazy world of ours. No pressure, kiddo.

Oh, while we're on the topic....
There's a girl I talk to occasionally who's expecting her first baby the same month I'm expecting mine. She has been going on and on lately about how she can't wait for "the day"....the more she talks about it the more it makes me NOT look forward to that particular day she's referring to. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited to meet the little karate kid doing crane kicks inside me, but I'm SOO not looking forward to the day she decides to get here. I may be new to this experience, but I have a pretty darn good feeling that a good portion of that day is going to suck beyond words. I don't even feel bad saying that, either! It's going to hurt like crazy. I'm not dumb, I know this. Especially because I want to avoid an epidural if I can (ha, we'll see...even I have my doubts that will happen). It's probably going to be really scary too. There are SO many things that can go wrong during the whole labor and delivery process. It's crazy to think that I'll go through the whole thing with no complications what so ever (I'm not talking major complications, but small complications are fairly common, aren't they?)
I dunno. It's probably my hormones getting the best of me (they do that now days), but it drives me batty every time she says she's excited for that day.
I'm just going to say I'm excited for the baby to be in my arms instead of in my belly. Because I'm not looking forward to that day. Other than ending that day with my brand new beautiful baby, that day is going to suck.

Oh yeah. Here are some pictures!

 28 weeks exactly. Side and front views.
 I was trying so hard not to look tired....but I don't think I've mastered that fib on camera quite yet :P


Lace said...

AH! You're pregnant, and adorable! Small complications are common yes, it is rare to have a "perfect" pregnancy/labor/delivery.

I know epidurals are scary, and everyone wants to go natural, bit just an FYI, epidurals are fine. your body can only focus on so many things at a time so if you're truly in pain, get the epidural so your body can focus on dilation and getting Mia out.

Erica said...

Oh I know. My plan is to go as long as I can without an EPI unless I have to be induced...Pitocin is what I really want to avoid lol. I've just read about different epi complications that would suck...but they're rare enough that if I don't feel like I can power through the pain, I'll get one so my body can do it's thing. :D Thanks Nurse Lacy :D