Wednesday, May 18, 2011

23 Weeks + 1 Day..

First of all, can I just say how sick I am of hearing that I have a little belly (and other variations).
I hate it!
People, I used to have a perfectly FLAT tummy. You could build a house of cards on it, it was so flat. And now it's HUGE and ROUND. If one more person comes up to me and says I'm too skinny to be more than half way through this pregnancy I'm going to flip!
I've gained the perfect amount of weight so far (7 lbs, go me!!), I'm eating constantly, and Mia is just the right size for her age. I'm doing a damn good job and when people say I look so tiny still it makes me second guess myself as a mother.

Ugh. Anyway. Glad I got that out. Don't get me wrong, I don't want people calling me fat...I just want a little reassurance that I'm looking good and pregnant. :)

That being said, I love you all and all the jerks who say this crap are not on my blog list so eff them.
Here's a picture!!

1 comment:

Lace said...

you look good and pregnant! i was reading some People magazines at work and Mia happens to be a top 10 name of 2010! so she might have classmates named Mia too!