Saturday, May 28, 2011

24 weeks + 4 days...

So I tried to post earlier and the stupid website was down AND it didn't save my draft so I have no idea what I said before.
Basically I was just dropping by to show off my latest pictures and brag a little bit.
First things first.
I made cookies tonight. I ate most of the chocolate chips earlier this week, but chocolate chipless cookies are still pretty good :]  (Especially because I put peppermint extract in them...oh YUM).
Next, I have to brag that I am 60% done with this pregnancy! I've actually begun to enjoy it, for the most part, but I'm so excited to be done and finally get to hold my little girl.
So, one more fun fact before I get to the pictures, a week from Tuesday I will be 6 months pregnant! Woo!!

Anyway. Here are some pictures. Enjoy!!
So I took this one on Tuesday. Exactly 24 weeks.
 And here's me (same day) with Ashes. She was trying to climb up my leg so I just yanked her up and took the picture. :)
 Here's me today (24 weeks and 4 days). Is it just me, or did those 4 days make a big difference?!
 Same day, holding my shirt back a little....
 Same day, holding my shirt back a lot! It looks like I'm hiding a basketball!! haha
 And here's a bare belly shot. My last brag of the day is that I still haven't seen any sign of stretch marks. :D I don't want to jinx it or anything, and I probably just did by saying something, but being this far along without any at all is fairly unheard of (so I've been told) so I'm rather proud.
Alrighty...check back in a week or so for more pictures. 


Lace said...

um..yes those 4 days made a huge difference! growth spurt for little Mia? haha

Erica said...

Haha I'd say!