Wednesday, July 06, 2011

30 Weeks!

Does anyone else think it's crazy that I have a mere 10 weeks left until my due date?!
Don't tell anyone, but I'm starting to get nervous.
It's so weird. Before I was pregnant as well as during the first few months I had no fears about being a mom. I was completely convinced that I'd be awesome at it. I'd have no problems getting her to sleep, no problems breast feeding, no problems getting her to stop crying (heck, I was convinced that she wouldn't ever cry because I'd be JUST that good). Hahahahaha. Now I'm totally thinking the opposite is going to happen. I've never been around a newborn baby. I have no idea what I'm doing. My only baby knowledge comes from the websites I've been reading religiously...and lately, that doesn't seem like enough.
Everyone keeps telling me to stay calm, it'll all come naturally, etc etc. The rational part of me knows they're right. The rational part of me knows I'll do just fine. If I can't breast feed, I'll bottle feed. Heck, I was bottle fed and I turned out fine. She will fall asleep eventually because all babies sleep at some point. She'll stop crying at some point too.
HOWEVER. These lovely hormones keep me from listening to my rational side most of the time.
Blargh. Anyway. It's all very confusing and very frustrating. On top of all that, I still don't feel like I'm prepared to bring a baby into my home. I'm afraid to buy anything else as far as clothes and diapers go because I'm not sure what size she's going to need.
I'm an organized person and I hate not having an official plan. I hate not knowing if she's going to come early, on time, or late. I hate not knowing if she's going to have hair or not. I hate not knowing how big or little she'll be.

Oh well. I'm trying so hard to teach myself to just take things as they come....but you better believe my cork board is COVERED in all the lists I could possibly think of making. :P

Anyway. Thanks for listening to my rant. Sorry if it's a bit disorganized. I'm half writing this blog and half watching TV...mix that in with not sleeping well last night and you have my crazy-person post. :D
Here's some pictures!

 This is what I look like these days. I have a rounder face and my nose is a little wider than it used to be. I also look like I haven't slept well in weeks. (Hint, it's because I haven't) :P
 Here's my big ol' belly from the front. She sure is taking up a lot of room these days.
 30 weeks (and wearing the super comfy silky shirt my sister sent me).
Since it's kind of a loose shirt, I figure I'd pull it tight so you could see just how big she's making me. haha
10 (give or take) more weeks to go. 
I think I can...
I think I can...
I think I can...

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