Wednesday, July 13, 2011

31 Weeks

Well, I officially have one less week to wait for Mia to make her appearance.
I'm getting nervous.
Any time I feel different [ie: sick (usually from eating too much or too fast), cramp-y (usually because I have to visit the lady's room haha), back ache-y (obviously from carrying around a baby in my belly), etc...] I get worried that she wants to come out early. I usually panic and call my doctor's office or the labor and delivery center of my hospital.
Each time they tell me to drink water (I keep telling everyone I'm drinking as much water as my poor little body can carry...but I don't think they believe me). I guess it's understandable. Being dehydrated can lead to preterm labor, which I obviously do not want.

Aside from being paranoid that I'm going to go into labor too early, I'm actually doing quite well (all things considering).
Minor complaints include (but are not limited to): back aches, not sleeping well, not being able to reach my feet to paint my toenails or tie my shoes (thank goodness it's flip flop weather!), struggling to keep my legs shaved so I can wear shorts (jeans are WAY too hot these days), having to change my clothes any time I go out of the apartment for more than a few minutes (it's gross, but I get soaked with sweat. It doesn't help that Oklahoma has been in the 100's the last few WEEKS and it's humid and nasty), and Mia's kicks are getting stronger. This little girl can pack a decent punch...or kick....whatever. I'm glad that she's exercising, but I'd much rather her NOT use my ribs and bladder as her punching bags.

Don't get me wrong, I don't complain much out loud these days (I did enough of that in my first trimester....and I keep reminding myself that I was much more miserable then than I am now). But it seems like every second someone is asking how I'm feeling. I generally say I'm fine. I'm good. I'm well. I'm not bad.
But, realistically, what pregnant woman is ever completely fine, good, well, or not bad? This is just something we say to be polite. Honestly, if we told you exactly how we're feeling all the time, chances are you'd never ask again.

Anyway. That's my rant for the evening. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I really should be headed off to bed. (Why in the world am I up at 2 in the morning in the first place, you might ask? Well, I've been mommy-the-punching-bag for the last hour or so. My ribs are bruised, I swear it! But now that little one seems to have settled down, I'm going to sneak off to bed before she notices).
Enjoy my 31 week pictures!

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