Monday, July 18, 2011

New baby stuff!!

Today was so exciting for me.
Let me start from the beginning.
Sean and I went to Walmart to do a bit of grocery shopping. He suggested we look at cribs (I had actually ordered one from Babies R Us a while back and they eventually emailed me saying the crib I ordered was no longer available). I think I worried him a bit last week. I had a bit of a scare last weekend thinking I was in preterm labor. (Really, I guess I was just stressed and a bit dehydrated). So we were looking at cribs and (after a bit of debate over money, space, and style) we chose to get a Pack N Play with a built in bassinet instead of a crib.

At the beginning of the pregnancy I had actually considered getting a bassinet instead of a crib but my friend talked me out of it. She said her friend's baby grew out of her bassinet within about a month. I couldn't see spending 70 dollars for a month of use rather than (roughly) 170 dollars (crib and mattress) for a few years. Then I realized something. My friend's baby is not normal. (lol that sounds mean, let me clarify). Both of her parents are pretty big. And everyone in both of their families are large. So I guess it makes sense that their baby would be the size of a 10 month old when she's only about 5 months old. My baby, however, will probably not be that big. Sean and I are both on the short and skinny side of the spectrum. So! That's what changed my mind about the bassinet idea. BUT the great thing about this pack n play is that once she's outgrown the bassinet feature, I can remove it and use the full size pack n play as a sleeping space (if we don't have a crib by then) or just as a play yard.
This investment seriously makes me wonder why in the world I considered anything else.

Infact, I'm so proud, I took pictures!

 It was hard to get close enough to see details but still far enough away to get the entire thing in the picture. It's got a cute little mobile and a nifty storage bag that clips on the side. I put diapers in it...I'll put wipes in the top part as soon as I get some wipes. I've been trying so hard not to buy anything else until after I get gift cards and shower gifts. (Luckily, my shower is on the 30th, so I don't have much longer to wait).
Here's a picture that shows off the blanket that Mia's Great Grandmom made for her (It was the first baby present I received and, so far, it's the only thing I have for Mia that's handmade so it's really special to me :). I also have both of my diaper bags in the picture (Mostly because I don't have anywhere else to store them for the time being). [[Yeah. I have 2 diaper bags. and yeah, they're both Winnie the Pooh. This is what happens when you buy the first one you see, get home, take off all of the tags, and toss the receipt thinking there's no way you'll find another one you like more....  and then you go to a different store and find one you totally like better and absolutely can't live without. It's okay though. They were both inexpensive (20 bucks!) and this way I can have one for travel, and one to store supplies around the house....or something like that]]. Also, isn't her little Eeyore blanket so cute?! :) It's one of the things Sean and I splurged a little on, but it's one of my favorite purchases too so that evens things out.

Anyway. Check back on Tuesday or Wednesday for new belly pictures and my official weekly update.
Love you all!! <3

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